Our Team
RARA has gone through several changes over the last few years, with the purchase of our building, modifications due to the pandemic, a new logo, and renovations to the Neighborhood Grocery, but we are as committed as ever to our core programming. These years have highlighted just how essential our services are, as even in the best of times, many people live only one incident away from not being able to make ends meet on their own. Whether it's due to sudden car trouble, missing work while caring for a family member, or receiving an unexpected bill, we are here to help in times of need. Thanks to our strong team of staff, board members, volunteers, and community supporters, we are well positioned to provide that assistance for many years to come.
Lindsey Pérez, Executive Director
Lindsey Pérez
Executive Director
Shadrey Sands
Neighborhood Grocery Manager
Meredith Caplinger
HelpLine Manager
Joanne Peretti
Office Manager
(540) 463-6943
Neighborhood Grocery Coordinator
(540) 463-6642
HelpLine Coordinator
HelpLine Assistant
Amanda Green, President
Gordon Spice, Vice President
Adam Whipple, Treasurer
Karla Murdock, Secretary
Atin Basu
Nicholas Betts
Nadine Craney
Dennis Cross
Cecy Fencer
Jim Kvach
Trenya Mason
Michael Meads
Valerie Moliterno
Daphne Stickley
Emily Whitworth